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modSanctum Donations

Donations Overview

Message from modSanctum

Hello and thank you for choosing modSanctum!  

I am Worsin, founder of mS, and one of the 3 directors of the non-profit organization we have founded.

modSanctum is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the tools and education needed to excel in game modding and game development.  We are currently operating under Mod Sanctum LLC a Subsidiary of T.I.M.E (The Institute of Mod Education). 

My team and I are currently working hard to finish phase 2 of our development cycle so we can launch for the public.   We are looking for your support to help get us over the finish line!

First, let me give you a little background, modSanctum has actually been in development for well over 1 year now.  Over this time I have considered several times whether or not to reach out to the community for donations.  Many people offered to donate but I did not feel we were there yet and decided to wait until I knew that modSanctum had a clear path to success and would be able to launch shortly afterwards. 

It has taken literally 1000’s of hours to plan out and build this site with all of the current features and processes. My team and I have gotten us far, but it is now up to the community to help get us over the edge.

I have outlined in as much detail as I can our plans and strategy for getting there.  You can read more on this on our RoadMap and on our modSanctum Guide.

Thank you for reading this, I look forward to being able to open modSanctum up to everyone, with your support we will be there in no time!

Director of modSanctum

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Phase 2 Benefactor Donation Badge

Phase 2 Benefactor

Everyone who donates to phase 2 will qualify for a "Phase 2 Benefactor" badge and title to display on their profile. (optional)

1 Year Subscription

All donations over $50 will receive a full year subscription to modSanctum when we launch (launch date TBD).

5,000 Sanctums

Sanctums are a currency on modSanctum and will be used for purchasing buffs, unlocking badges, tipping content creators and more!
